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Old 11-06-2019, 11:45 AM   #148
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
I briefly skimmed through these, and it's hard to believe that LC people can remain content reading these things without demanding better answers. In regards to much of the external criticism that the LC has faced in the past, it seems like their standard response has always been to say that those people didn't know what they were talking about or that they were deliberately mischaracterizing the LC.
Years ago I remember reading things that didn't seem to make much sense, e.g. the justification for suing brothers under the guise of "appealing to Caesar." But I was taught to "trust the brothers." And a good amount of group think definitely existed in those days. Besides Titus Chu had a reputation for calling out everyone, as if he and Lee alone were the only faithful brothers on earth. Who was I to demand better answers?

It was only years later that I learned from reading Speaking The Truth in Love that TC backed down to WL in order to protect Philip Lee, and then kowtowed to WL by threwing John Ingalls under the bus. That side of the story was never relayed to us.

With the strict and regimented hierarchy in the Recovery, WL really only had to control about a dozen brothers around the globe, and he could basically get away with anything. Remember the motto: "We do as we are told!" Problem was, some of these brothers followed God and not man, even though they had once believed that "following this man's vision was the same as following God."
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