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Old 11-06-2019, 01:23 AM   #145
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1,523
Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

The five new articles are the worst ones yet. The one writing them has a serious chip on their shoulder. Do they think they are fooling anyone?!

"The proper way to deal with problems in the church" - here would have been a great place for them to show compassion, address abuse, say how seriously they take people's pain and suffering, but instead they fill it with comments about authority, former members reviling, shutting down questions, and sadly ending on the focus being "the work".

These sentences scream "we don't want to be accountable" and just make me so sad for people trapped in the system. These kind of statements are hallmarks of abusive systems: "There is no ground in Scripture for saints to demand that the elders give a public accounting as to how a particular matter will be, or has been, addressed. Public assaults on the co-workers or the leadership in the church are tantamount to assailing God’s arrangement for the administration of the church." These statements are also the kind made by people who have something to hide.

They also do the neat word switcheroos of talking about co-workers, then apostles, but never explicitly saying that they are claiming the co-workers are apostles. They are just never going to change. The whole thing makes me want to lose my lunch.
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