Originally Posted by Testing123
Gospelizing, Truthizing and Churchizing America (GTCA) is a present move of the Lord in His recovery to practically carry out the burden and responsibility to preach the gospel of the kingdom, to teach the high peak truths, and to establish local churches in every city, town and village in America.
Gosh, I thought the Urbana, Illinois campus...the longtime (until they could no longer accommodate 20,000 attendees) home of the
Urbana! student mission conference sponsored by Intervaristy Christian Fellowship every three years (see
www.urbana.org) was already gospelized, truthized, churchized and even missionized!
Advice to the PR campaign folks who wrote this stuff...if you don't want to sound...well, minimally silly and maximumly scary...just say you want to plant some of your brand of churches next to the hundreds of other churches in the area...rather than announcing that you're God's gift to Urbana...It seems that God has already mightily blessed this campus and tremendously gifted this area with LOTS of Christians eager to preach the gospel all around the world! Praise Him for that and thank God for Urbana and the intervarsity ministry that already has such a presence on campus!