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Old 10-28-2019, 05:25 AM   #24
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 32
Default Re: Pulled in Two Directions

Originally Posted by googlelight View Post
One of my absolute favorite quotes from Watchman Nee is the following:
"Today if you have left the denominations and have seen the church, then only the Word of God can be the standard. Consider a brother who is born again. Can you say that he is not a brother? He is a brother if he knows the truth clearly, and he is still a brother if he does not know the truth clearly. If he stays at home he is my brother, and if he falls into the ditch by the street he is still my brother. If there is a problem, I can only blame my Father for begetting him. The special characteristic of Philadelphia is brotherly love—today this way is the only way for us to walk. But we should never have this kind of attitude: I love the brothers who are clear and the brothers who are lovable, but those who are not lovable I will not love. Whether he is clear or not, that is his business. We should never say, 'You are a rebellious one.' What we see this year, we did not see last year. Perhaps next year he will also see what we have seen this year. While he reads the Bible, the Lord will also show him the light. God's heart is great; so ours must also be great. We must learn to have a heart that is large enough to include all of God's children. Whenever we say 'we' and yet do not include all the children of God, we are the biggest sect, for we are not standing in the position of brotherly love but exalting ourselves. The way of Philadelphia is the way we must take. The difficulty lies in the fact that Philadelphia includes all the brothers, yet some are not able to include as much."
Dear Brother, can you tell me where to find that quote by WN? I want to tell the saints in our LC not to call anyone a rebellious one. It may have more impact if I quote WN. I prefer to quote the Bible but it seems the people in our church listen more to WL and WN, so I will try that.
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