Originally Posted by byHismercy
Ohio, who are ''London(Exclusives)''? Are they the Brethren group that you relate the LC to?
Yes, they are the spiritual forebears of the Recovery movement. Both insiders and outsiders have agreed to this.
John Darby and his followers who initially excommunicated Benjamin Newton, George Mueller, Henry Craik, and so many other men of God who stood up to their power grab, much the same as those in the subsequent century who stood up to W. Lee's power grab.
Both the Darby Exclusive Brethren in early nineteenth century Great Britain, and Nee and Lee in the early twentieth century China began by attracting seeking believers to leave organized denominations and return to the pure teachings of the New Testament church in the book of Acts. Both were very fruitful initially, taking advantage of the contemporary political climate of their times. They offered freedom of spirit and liberty of conscience to seek the Lord and His plans for them. Eventually their power ambitions became apparent to all. As these gifted leaders slowly took over complete control of their movements, their contemporaries resisted the domination, clinging to the ideals of liberty initially espoused by the movement, necessitating expulsions and quarantines which have so identified exclusive movements.