Originally Posted by least
1 Corinthians 3:16
KJV 'ye' referring to plural 'you'.
biblehub.com is useful for me. I don't know any Greek or Hebrew and I read the various translations and commentaries.
Some translations indicate 'you' in 1Corinthians 3:16 as singular, 'a' temple of God.
There are other bible verses that indicate individauls each is a temple of God.
My understanding of 1 Corinthians 3:16 is referring to 'the' temple of God.
I read somewhere (sorry, can't find it again), that, if 'not each one is a temple of God then together cannot be the temple of God'.
Each member of the body of Chrsit has Christ dwelling in him/her; the members together is 'the' body, 'the body of Christ'.
Thank you, Least. I always use biblehub but never even noticed the commentary drop down menu. Lots of stuff there. I read 6 or 10 commentaries on 1 cor 3 v16 but they didn't shed any light on the use (plural vs singular) of ye. I guess I will have to explore that website a bit more.
I first was thinking, I agree, with the statement 'if not each one is a temple of God then together cannot be the temple of God'.....then I remembered He is allowing the tares to grow up alongside the wheat, all the way until He is ready to harvest. At the harvest, the tares will be burned, the wheat gathered into His barn. I think His temple is His temple in spite of the presence of the tares. And of course, also, we believers individually are a temple of His abode.
I would love to figure out how to translate the original word with all the intricacies of meaning for my personal understanding. Do you have a particular commentary that you trust?