Originally Posted by least
Jesus died and resurrected. The gates of hell had not prevailed against him.
In three days He raised up His father's house, the temple of his body. He has built His church. The gates of hell had not prevailed against it.
To me, everything looks to the agony of the cross and the glory that followed. To whatever extent we look at ourselves we compromise this saving vision.
The gates of hell are defensive. Satan 'won' in Genesis 3, and has been guarding his ill-gotten 'loot' ever since. Jesus went to the cross, and kicked down the gates, and set us all free. There is nothing else. Abide in the freedom Jesus Christ bought with his blood. Anger, fear, shame, greed, selfishness, death, over.
And yes, he will build/has built his ekklesia, his body. The gates of Hades can't hold us. We are free. Witness Lee said the gates would "attack the church". What a mis-reading. The gates are toast.