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Old 10-24-2019, 04:01 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 31
Default How is Christ building His Church?

He said He would.
In this time of confusion, I would love to hear how you believe He builds His Church?

I realize, that when a ministry becomes all-inclusive, this will divide the Children of God, rather than build them together in life and in love. The ministry itself will be what divides them. I have witnessed this myself. This is a great shock to me, for the very purpose of it was to help the Children of God into the word, and to bring them into fellowship with the Father, Son and The Spirit. This might be too strong, but to me it seems, in the case of the LR, Satan is actually using the ministry to the opposite of this now. It might not have been the case in the beginning, but today, it seems to me this has happened. This leads me back to my original question,

How do you believe Christ is building His church today, in a practical way?

With love
from a simple follower
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