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Old 10-22-2019, 06:39 AM   #2
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Default Re: Challenging Lee’s Good Samaritan interpretation

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
According to Witness Lee in Luke 10:24-37 Jesus is “Portraying Himself as the Good Samaritan with the Highest Morality” (words in quotes are the Recovery version’s header, see
This goes back to how Lee purposely confused "good works" and "dead works." I am convinced this was no accident.

Heb 9.13-15 makes it abundantly clear that the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament are "dead works" made useless by the blood of Christ. Any and all religious activity expended to appease God for our sins was henceforth a total waste of time.

Good works, however, can be broadly classified as any act of love or service towards our neighbors. Jesus then in His parable makes it clear who are neighbors are.

Through his errant and self-serving teachings, W. Lee directed all our energies inwards to his many programs. Loving or serving those outside of the Recovery (in the world or poor, poor Christianity) had now become "dead" works. Loving him, his ministry, his teachings, his meetings, his programs, his books, and his followers were all, by definition, "good" works.

In this regard WL took his queue from the exclusive Brethren. They were great at "finding Christ" all throughout the Bible, in every story, parable, type, figure, and shadow, but also at finding fault with every other Christian and church.
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