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Old 10-18-2019, 06:45 AM   #93
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Default Re: YouTube Channel Discusses the Local Church

Originally Posted by Curious View Post
As an outsider, its pretty obvious:
'God's economy' implies He's a businessman. A business man is trading, selling a product (the ministry), the agenda is to promote the success of His business. Persons are merely commodities in this grand business. In every business, a commodity is only of value in so far as it's earning its way to expand your business, and drawing in the customers. Otherwise it's expendable. A 'product' has no intrinsic value in itself beyond this.

When you think in terms of 'Gods economy', the language of WL gives it all away. everything Cal is saying.

I never heard the concept of God as 'Father' mentioned at any time by LCers I knew and fellowshipped with. This was an early question mark for me. The sense of the sanctity of human life is therefore not indicated, a clear aspect of Christianity that sets it apart from other religions of the world.... except not if you are in the LC, sadly.

(it occurs to me that maybe WL was thinking about his own business ambitions more than we realise and this spilt over into his theology!)

Jesus died on the cross (apparently) because he was busy 'processing' himself, He was on his own mission. That takes the focus away from being motivated by love or the value He places in you and me. Its as if the core is gone, WL removed it.
Very well said. The LR is all about "accomplishing God's purpose," and people are just means to that end, and thus expendable in the hands of the "co-workers" in that effort. People are valuable only to the extent they further the cause, otherwise they are just a problem.

But such an attitude make God's love hollow. In truth, the only thing that could have motivated Jesus to suffer and die on the cross the way he did was pure love--love both for the Father and for us. He endured it all for us, each one of us. That's love.
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