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Old 10-15-2019, 02:40 AM   #130
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Natal Transvaal
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Fine, and you are preaching a little to the choir here regarding knowing history in general. But no eternal profit for me, bro, and no peace to pursue LC history further. It is what it is, and this is knowledge I don't need any more of to form opinions, etc.
Besides, "He's got the whole world in His hands!" and doesn't need my help.
No, God doesn't need our help. However, those of us who have experienced something of this group for what it is, owe it to the next generation to speak up, that they don't similarly get sucked in. Else, what did we pass through our experience for? You have seen things that none on this forum have. You have a voice. In that regard, your witness, mine, and that of Lily Hsu all belong on the table.

Something interesting happens with multiple witnesses - patterns begin to emerge, which might not be seen otherwise. Looking at several testimonies of the treatment of nonconformity by Chinese authorities: Watchman Nee's treatment by the Chinese Communist Party and Jane Anderson's treatment by Witness Lee's Local Church are eerily similar. Charges are brought forth and immediately judgment is decreed. No defense is permitted, as a challenge to authority might disturb social order. Individuality must be sacrificed for the needs of the collective. Likewise, Watchman Nee wrote "Authority and Submission" but ultimately he had to submit to the same authoritarianism that he espoused.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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