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Old 10-14-2019, 11:18 AM   #115
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
And I love the OT (and new) for just that reason - that it doesn't gloss over all the shenanigans of men! But that is the Word of God and not just men's view on other's failures, right?

Any way, you guys just keep on going after all that. As for me, I've seen enough.
Sons To Glory, you are, of course, free to read or not read whatever you like. I'm not criticizing anyone here, but you might want to rethink your position.

Do you realize that perhaps the biggest failure in the American education system is the failure to teach history, and in the absence of truthful history, today's leaders have complete liberty to rewrite history. This is what crooked leaders do, LSM included. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Perhaps this is why the oldest history book on the planet presents us with a pattern of faithful honesty, so that we can learn from the past failures. Somethings God has done He wishes us to learn from and repeat.

I did not understand what happened to the Recovery until I went back and studied Plymouth Brethren history. I believe the Lord gave me that desire. I am sure many ex-Brethren said it was a waste of time to rehash their sad history, with all the sordid details, but I'm thankful that some faithful brothers recorded it for us. Lee totally misrepresented John Darby for us. He was not a demigod, acting god, or MOTA as many thought. Likewise with Nee and Lee. Why can't we learn from both the good and the bad? We have all read about David's failures, yet we still appreciate him. Same with Peter. In my opinion, it is far more dangerous to exalt a man by hiding his sins, than it is to appreciate him despite knowing his failures.
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