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Old 10-14-2019, 10:48 AM   #113
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Cal View Post
If you cannot study history without a morbid motive, then you are not mature enough to learn from history nor to advise others based on it.

Imagine if the police couldn't investigate crimes because they were squeamish about the nature of those crimes. Maybe they should get work in flower shops so they don't get their sensibilities ruffled. In the meantime, SOMEBODY needs to know the facts, or else people will make their decisions based on ignorance.

No thanks. Embracing ignorance is one reason WL was able to deceive so many. Embracing ignorance is what the LR COUNTS ON. Never again.
In a real sense, the mission of this forum is to "police" the Recovery, since no one else has done so.

Not all people can do the investigative work of the police, because it is indeed messy and criminal at times within the inner workings of the LSM. There is danger also in knowing this unrighteousness, as we recently learned from brother Greg Casteel. But if no one ever does this work, then lawlessness just continues to run wild.

"Without a proper understanding of history, My people will perish." (Prov 29.18)
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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