Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"
In reviewing the recent discussions on this thread, I was reminded about what Dr. Hsu wrote about these matters:
From Lily Hsu's book:
Why Rake up the Old Ashes?
Many brothers and sisters at SCA witnessed the public exposure of Nee’s private life in 1956.
They clearly knew of Nee’s sexual immorality based upon the evidence. Yet, many of those who are
still alive have no interest in talking about the past. Why should we rake up the old ashes? Actually it
is far from over. Idol worship is still persistent in some of the Local Churches. The lonesome
supremacy and sectarianism are still in the flood stage. The erratic theology of delegated authority and
anti-intellectualism are still on the market.
Then, why do we have to cover it up? The issue is not whether someone likes to mention the
past; it is whether there is a need for today’s churches to learn. The New Testament churches were
imperfect, so that they had to be reminded and advised by the past history of the Israelites. Are the
current Local Churches and its affiliates perfect and without problems? Unfortunately the Local
Churches are not easy to exercise humble reflection. Not only the Local Churches, but all of us should
learn from the tragic missteps of our forefathers. The Bible does keep the old “ashes” to remind God’s
people, generation after generation. David was forgiven, yet his misdeeds and repentance are recorded.
Samson returned to God at the end of his life, yet his failure is recorded. Balak was killed (Num. 31:8)
for his evildoing; his wayward behavior are recorded, even in the New Testament (2 Peter 2:15, Jude
11, Rev. 2:14). There are multiple examples of the success and failure of God’s people recorded in the
Bible. Then, why do we have to cover it up?
Waiting Until the Day of Judgment
If we are all waiting until God’s judgment day to deal with sin, how can the church leaders and
the congregation be kept holy? The Bible said: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:1.) History
will repeat in similar patterns, and that is the reason for this book. “Wait until the Day of Judgment”
is merely a high-sounding yet deceiving excuse. After being briefly bailed out from his imprisonment,
Zhang Yuzhi, Nee’s major coworker, told his family clearly, “Although we used to look at SCA as the
most orthodox church; yet she was destroyed by God.” The attitude of “waiting until the Day of
Judgment” may lead to more serious consequence and judgment.
(emphasis added)
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11