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Old 10-14-2019, 08:50 AM   #108
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
I felt she was telling the truth in her book. Another Korean brother who read the book told me the same.
I also felt she was telling the truth: she was a naive, hero-worshipping teenager whose faith was crushed by hearing evidence in a 1950s Communist Kangaroo Court.

But my question has been, where in 1950s China did one see a person plead not guilty in court, mount a defense, produce evidence to the contrary and cross-examine witnesses, and be exonerated and freed? Chinese justice didn't work that way. So, please don't transpose their experiences on ours. Her memories may be true, but they have limited relevance at best.

But what of the memories of Don Rutledge? Was he a naive outsider? If not, why doesn't Shepherding Words listen to his testimony? Why the flip-flop?

Likewise, why are some Psalms of imprecation called "fallen human concepts" because the NT calls us to bless our enemies, whilst other similar Psalms are called "Christ defeating Satan"? Why the interpretive inconsistency? Why is Mary McDonough's book sold on LSM web site when women aren't allowed to teach? Why the double standards?

The LSM appears to be a ministry of expediency. They take a line, and then abandon it when it's no longer useful. And everyone pretends not to notice. Witness Lee said that he left his native culture on the Pacific sea-floor when he migrated to the U.S. That is patently untrue. When Minoru Chen told the elders that they should go to Linko and shovel dirt, he was channeling Lee. Why do you think he's in charge, today? When Benson Philip's and Ray Graver ran their own Kangaroo Court with Jane Anderson, who do think they represented? Again, look at their positions in the LSM hierarchy today. They knew exactly where the bread got buttered.

When I was in school, living in LC brother's house in the late '80s and early '90s, going to meetings and conferences and trainings, we were repeatedly told to go after 'typical Americans'. Why? Because the typical Americans who flooded the LC during the late '60s realized the scam they were in after Daystar, Philip Lee, Linko, Little Bankers, Young Galileans, the New Move, and so forth. They could see the fallen human culture coming through the hyper-spirituality and zeal. So they left.

Similarly, I was told to ignore the poor, the sick and weak, who could not repay in this age, and go after "good building material", aka Caucasian college students. "Don't waste your time" with the old and the weak, our FTTA trainer told us. So I left. It wasn't God. I knew nothing of Daystar and Philip Lee, but I could tell this wasn't the Bible, but a sham imposed on it.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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