Re: Bill Mallon's Passing
Well, thanks again Jane! Over the last few days I have spent hours going over Bill's notes, reading things from your book, and various other sources of LC history, etc. As I've said on other threads on here, the Lord really preserved me while in the LC, and kept the knowledge of 98% of these funky things from me. I see now that these things happening in the "background" (at least to me), were key reasons the level of Christ's life was getting low in various places in the LC.
I did read where a brother who was with WL in the 60s, attributed much of Lee's good ministry at the time to the fact that Lee spent considerable time repenting and asking the Lord for mercy. However, things began to go off the rails in the 70s, as Lee's various weaknesses manifested themselves. He also repented late in life, lamenting about how little love was in his ministry and the LCs. Love is the key ingredient, that I think was missing, and would have made a big difference in many of the unrighteous dealings you and others experienced. Without love the LC was like an unturned cake, and many got burned. I praise Him that he preserved me from many of these things and got me out of that elitist system!
Now (hopefully) comes healing forgiveness in us toward all those leaders acting so unrighteously (because Christ has first forgiven us of so much)!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!