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Old 10-09-2019, 08:40 AM   #18
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Default Re: Pulled in Two Directions

Originally Posted by googlelight View Post
can you please lead me to some sources? I wat to look into this in a Berean way (Acts 17:10-15) "And there is both strong an suggestive evidence of sexual issues from not long after that."
There was a thread here some years back concerning the observations of, and accounts provided to, a woman who was in the church in Shanghai for some years up to the time of Nee's trial in China. Someone may remember the name(s) better and point to the thread for your perusal.

As for my statements concerning Nee apparently thinking very highly of himself, I note that he was saved near the time he started college and before he was out, he was publishing a Christian paper. And he wrote his 3-volume book, The Spiritual Man, by about the time he was 25. Included in one of his prefaces are statements that effectively say that no one could have seen what he saw. All this with no evidence of training other than by his own private reading. He was admittedly somewhat of a genius, but this does not provide spiritual knowledge necessary to make those kinds of statements. It seems to be something repeated later in life when he writes the things in Authority and Submission, dancing around (and never quite directly saying) that he is the top of the "spirituality" hierarchy and no one can make any charge against him for anything. Only God can do it.
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OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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