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Old 10-08-2019, 10:39 AM   #37
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Three questions for Local Church Christians

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Lee did the same leaving China -- attempted to squash the ministry of all the other ministers he was with.

During his quarantine in Whistler, Titus Chu was repeatedly condemned in absentia for not working well with others. The clincher came from Benjamin Chen of NYC. For decades TC had claimed to have the archetypal spiritual companionship with BC spanning 50+ years. Then given the chance, BC threw him under the bus.

Obviously TC picked up this bad habit from WL.
Pride is such a strong thing in all of us! It's not to say that one person can't carry the ministry burden, but I think they must be exercised to make sure their self/pride stays on the cross where it belongs.

I've seen something in what happened to the ministry here over the years. It started out with Bill Freeman, who was, of course, quite gifted. After the "blow-up" here and Bill left, primarily one brother picked up the ministry burden, and he was very good with it. But after a few years he got totally burned-out and left. In his place, eventually about 6-8 brothers, who had some depth in the word, stepped up to do the Sunday messages. It has been continuing like that for over a dozen years, and I must say that it has been so good! (and another awesome thing is these bros don't always agree on everything in the word 100%, and that is fine!)
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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