Originally Posted by Ohio
Googlelight: "So the Lord must have moved on then?"
I have always found this question interesting. On its face it implies that our Lord can only be with one minister or collection of churches at a time.
The Lord, however, is with all those who confess His name. When He was with Apostle Paul, was He not also with the other Apostles whose work was not recorded? For example, we know that Thomas went to India, and Bartholomew went to Armenia. Their fruit remains even to this day.
When Nee and Lee were anointed to minister, that did not mean that there were not hundreds, thousands of other ministers anointed by the Spirit of God. This whole concept of "Minister of the Age" or "Oracle of God" is so deceptive. How could the speaking of the Lord ever be restricted to one man? This concept is entirely from the Old Testament, citing Moses, and never in the New Testament.
good point and thank you for pointing it out. There are so many things I have to reconsider now

Yes how could it, and why should it?