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Old 10-08-2019, 07:43 AM   #32
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Default Re: Three questions for Local Church Christians

Originally Posted by jesusislord View Post
I have a question but didn't want to create a new thread:

When I went to my friends' church, they know how to social, their sermons teach about honoring parents. There are many aspect of relationship - family relationship, husband and wife relationship, friendship etc.. but in the Lc they don't teach this kind of stuff that much. I've heard arrange marriage, where 2 people get married with zero natural affection. They teach human relationship is too natural, the world is bad, rock music is babylon. I found it's super weird being a Christian under their doctrines.
Apostle Paul warned us that in the last days some Christians would be "without natural affection." (II Timothy 3.1,3)

In the Recovery they teach that it is only safe to trust and love their ministry. All other loves are risky.
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