Originally Posted by aron
I can think of two stories. The first was told by Witness Lee. Supposedly Watchman Nee was removed from his ministry because the elders in Shanghai discovered that he was living with a woman not his wife. They confronted him, he admitted, and they removed him from leadership.
But, said Lee, that woman was his mother! Nee bore the cross of unrighteous judgment due to his spiritual path and receiving all from the Father without murmuring.
Then he was restored to position by Lee, some 6 (?) years later. Then the second case was when the Communists took over, Nee was charged with the production and possession of pornography. A witness at the trial heard him confess.
The first story I heard anecdotally and can't provide proper sources. Perhaps others here know? The second story was published in a book by Dana Robert's and Lily Hsu and is available. Called "My Unforgettable Memories". If you do 'advanced search' on this forum, under keywords in the title, you can find the discussion thread.
For what it's worth, I objected to the admission of a confession at a Chinese show trial as objective evidence. My question was, where do you see anyone protest innocence, mount a defence, and be acquitted? In 1954 China, no where. Accusation equals guilt. So his confession is effectively meaningless.
Thank you for taking the time. I dont really understand why the first "case" is still in circulation. I frankly find it of evil nature that anyone would continue to talk about this story, if he was living with his mother. It will only give room for misunderstanding. The second case, if you consider how the ungodly government of China has continuously persecuted genuine Christians in China, any charges coming from such a source should be disregarded as baloney except there be provided real and solid evidence. I keep hearing the same things about Watchman Nee, but the evidence seem to be slim to none. So in my eyes the I find it repulsive that true Christians go about spreading what seem merely to be rumors.
Leviticus 19:16
1 Tim 5:13
On the contrary, there is overwhelming evidence that throughout his life, Watchman Nee led many people to the Lord, both gentiles and jewish people.
Well, those who continue on such a path will reap what they sow, even in this life.
Now I wonder, if Watchman Nee lived today and was in the church life, most likely what would happen to him, would be the same that happened to John Ingalls. This is of course just my speculation, but I wouldnt be surprised.
Among "co-workers" from the ministry I have for instance asked them about what br. Nee wrote in Orthodoxy of the Church, concerning receiving all believers, not just in words and theory, but in attitude and actuality, meaning, if some Christian attend a meeting, he must have the liberty to share anything that the Lord has shown him, or what is on his heart, as long at it is for the building up, may it be from brother lawrence or any other source that focus on Christ, but this has been ignored and the "spirit of the ministry" or "the attitude from the ministry" is just too strong. I have also brought people to meetings, and time and time again, they testify to me, "there is no way to share or to function." This makes me quite sad, and this solidify what people begin to realize, this is not an organism as they claim, this is simply a movement led by men, today. I received alot of training and help from a brother who was present in the meetings in 1963. I knew him from 2003 until he passed away, so I saw him in his last years on earth. In his last years he lived and breathed for the Lords heart. But he told me the following: Wherever you are, with whoever you are, if you minister Christ (or dispense), you are in the ministry. This is absolutely not what is happening today, not in a single of the local churches I have been to, in Europe, UK, Scandinavia og in the US. So the Lord must have moved on then?