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Old 10-08-2019, 03:18 AM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Pulled in Two Directions

Originally Posted by googlelight View Post
can you please lead me to some sources? I wat to look into this in a Berean way (Acts 17:10-15) "And there is both strong an suggestive evidence of sexual issues from not long after that."
I can think of two stories. The first was told by Witness Lee. Supposedly Watchman Nee was removed from his ministry because the elders in Shanghai discovered that he was living with a woman not his wife. They confronted him, he admitted, and they removed him from leadership.

But, said Lee, that woman was his mother! Nee bore the cross of unrighteous judgment due to his spiritual path and receiving all from the Father without murmuring.

Then he was restored to position by Lee, some 6 (?) years later. Then the second case was when the Communists took over, Nee was charged with the production and possession of pornography. A witness at the trial heard him confess.

The first story I heard anecdotally and can't provide proper sources. Perhaps others here know? The second story was published in a book by Dana Robert's and Lily Hsu and is available. Called "My Unforgettable Memories". If you do 'advanced search' on this forum, under keywords in the title, you can find the discussion thread.

For what it's worth, I objected to the admission of a confession at a Chinese show trial as objective evidence. My question was, where do you see anyone protest innocence, mount a defence, and be acquitted? In 1954 China, no where. Accusation equals guilt. So his confession is effectively meaningless.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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