Hello. I wasn't really sure which thread to put this on. Have any of you seen the recent "artifact" mention of the Recovery Bible by The Museum of the Bible's facebook post on September 20? See here:
<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fmus eumoftheBible%2Fposts%2F2399716116809999&width=500 " width="500" height="173" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>
My two kids and I had the opportunity to visit this museum over the summer, having spend the day there, and really enjoyed our time there. My husband, who attends the LC, was aware of our visit there but showed no interest in our time there until a few days ago when all of a sudden he wanted to know how I like the museum, if what they presented was good and asked if they presented something, did I think it was legitimate. Well, of course I knew something was up but I didn't want to ask and he didn't say. A couple of days later he sent me the picture that was posted of their 9/20 thread as the "artifact of the day" item. I told him that it was the Museum of the Bible and as such they had hundreds of bibles on display, but that did not affirm legitimacy. I also found this page making the claim that the museum in now recommending this bible, which they're not because I reached out to them to let them know what they were misconstruing their post:
Recovery Version Bible is Recommended by The Museum of the Bible 圣经博物馆推荐—圣经恢复本
Published September 27, 2019
Recovery Version Bible is recommended by The Museum of the Bible.
Artifact of the Day: The Holy Bible (Recovery Version)
This Bible was completed by Living Stream Ministry between 1974 and 1995. Named the “Recovery Version,” its translators sought to recover teachings that had become neglected by modern Christians by producing a new translation based on the original languages.