Originally Posted by Freedom
Actually, I remember going to the special gathering for everyone in SoCal where they discussed the quarantine of Titus Chu (I had no idea who he even was and I'm sure many others didn't as well  ). Yet everyone sat there, took in every word, happy to be under the up-to-date speaking.
I guess in retrospect it just all seems so odd and bizarre. It's hard to imagine taking that all seriously. It's hard to imagine that we actually believed that such speaking was them "shepherding" us.
Speaking of Titus, in the localities I lived prior to his quarantine when did he visit and minister to the Church in San Bernardino or the Church in Bellevue. Never that I ever recalled. Even he who I was close to who attended Whistler didn't think much of the inquisition.
Question is how to the so-called "shepherds" shepherd those who think differently? They don't.