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Old 10-04-2019, 01:51 PM   #27
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Default Re: Three questions for Local Church Christians

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Three questions for those presuming to write shepherding words:

1. (a) If women can't teach, why sell Mary McDonough's book "God's Plan" right next to those by Nee and Lee? In LSM's online catalogue of titles under "G", there it is, available for the public. Why the inconsistency in application?

1. (b) How do you think Dora Yu or Ruth Lee would have fared under Witness Lee, or under today's blended co-workers? Or, how would Jessie Penn-Lewis fare today? Or Peace Wang? Or Margaret Barber? How would they all find any place today, in the recovery they supposedly helped to found?

2. Why do some psalms of imprecations have footnotes panning them for being "natural" and "fallen" in wishing others ill, while others have near-identical sentiments being hailed as Christ's victory over Satan? Why the inconsistency in application?

3. The apostle wrote to avoid every appearance of evil (1 Thess 5:22). Don't you think that a church leader pressuring church members to invest in his immediate family's money-making schemes looks bad? No matter that it collapsed and the money disappeared - the very fact that it was set up looks bad. How was this not a blight on the church? Daystar showed Witness Lee's true colors - how can anyone say that this was a "flow from God's throne", or a "manifestation of God's deputy authority"?
I wanted to bring this thread forward, as the replies I got here from two stalwart promoters of the Cause amounted to, "Perhaps this is so" and, "Why don't you ask the Lord" and, "You have a bad attitude."

These are the kinds of questions that ministry acolytes won't address; instead, they deflect. So we bring them up again, until they give us answers. Yes, I'll be held accountable for every text, every Facebook 'like', every post, every word, every 'tweet'. But so will the ministry that published thousands pages of messages and sold them to the Christian public. Ministry stalwarts may feign indignation when hard-to-answer questions are placed in front of them. But we'll continue to put them forward until they're answered.

Witness Lee was a professional minister -- a full-time, monetarily compensated Bible teacher. And now his Blended followers want continue the gambit. So they, or their designees the DCP or anonymous posters should address the contents of their teachings, and behaviours of church leaders. Until they answer, we bring the questions forward. If they deflect, we remind.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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