Re: pulled in two directions
Hi Googlelight,
Thank you so much for your honest testimony. Your faith and exclusive interest in Christ alone ministers to me and encourages me! The word that came up as I read your post is 'test all things, hold fast the good'. This word tells me that the Lord knew we would encounter both the good and the lie simultaneously, in one person, or in one ministry. I believe we should stick very closely to what scripture teaches us.
If you freely rejected doctrine that conflicts with the word, and embrace the good, what would happen in the Lords Recovery? If you care for the truth in the word, which is obvious to me, you care deeply, then you are free in Christ Jesus to dispute anything false which is brought to you. You love the Lord Jesus, so no matter what happens, you cannot go wrong. Whether in or out of the LR, if He is leading you, you can be at peace! If you find that you cannot stand in the truth as God shows you AND remain in fellowship there, you have your answer.
I did and do believe what Gods' word says about the one body, one Spirit, one hope of His calling, one God the Father, one Lord Jesus, one faith, and one baptism. The preaching of the reality was there with them, but I discovered I could not practice this reality with them, not by my own choice. So the decision was easy for me. I was 'cast out', 'shunned'. I came to understand through Gods' word that I had too many disagreements with how they 'practiced' their faith, really their faith in their ministry. I found they followed their traditions of their unique way, but it left Gods' word behind. I could not stand with their practices. I felt they didn't just leave love, but threw it in the dirt and ground it in with their heels. It was to spit on Gods' commandment to us who believe on Him.
God bless you so much as you follow your King, dear brother? Sister? I am sister with 3 kids! God love you!