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Old 10-03-2019, 05:14 AM   #64
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Default Re: YouTube Channel Discusses the Local Church

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Yeah, I think you may go back to observe the situation in LC for a while and let us know its advance. I thought then you were Texas street preacher because your voice sounds like him.
Naw this is very different. I can sense this brother is speaking truth in love in these youtube videos. I listened to all of them in a few days and it cheered my heart. When I saw the videos of Texas street preacher, it is hardly accurate and he is acting like a bully, and I can't sense any anointing. If The Lord ever spoke through a member, I am certain it wouldn't be like this. (Yes we can recognize his voice). He is merely just judging another and will probably fall into judgment himself. These youtube videos by "cal", as I see it, is spiritual discernment. The only thing I wonder about is who he is, and why he remains incognito, because I would like to send him a few questions any way to contact you brother "cal"?

I've been in fellowship with people meeting as the church and reading "the ministry" for 15 years, but the Lord has spoken to me and warned me about being proud, exclusive and falling into empty rituals. Sadly, (this is my personal belief I guess) I think many churches in the Lords recovery, even if the Lord came back, many of these brothers and sisters would still have the Lords table in their traditional way without realizing He came back. I hope I am wrong! The only pathway I see now it to practice to have brotherly love to ALL Christians, not insisting on anything, and personally living in the condition of Philadelphia. When these videos of "Cal" came out, it was like everything the Lord had spoken to me was articulated and it was great joy to me. I now meet with a few other Christian groups, but that isn't easy as well. In the Lords recovery I felt it was one extreme, reading ministry too much, but in the Christian groups i found another extreme, meeting where it all becomes a social arena instead of getting into the Word together. Being a Christians isn't too easy, I confess 😳 anyway thank you so much for the videos and please keep them coming. I hope also many that are currently in the Lords Recovery can listen to them and challenge themselves and search their heart in light of these videos. As soon as a group thinks it is above others there should be a red flag.
Sincerely from a seeking brother in Europe
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