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Old 10-02-2019, 09:22 AM   #49
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
These statements are examples of how the LC likes to have things both ways. They like to go around thinking that they are the so-called Recovery, yet when various bad things happen that would cast a shadow on that image, they tell people to not take that to mean anything. It's ironic, because the LC wastes no time in pointing out the supposed "flaws" in other Christian groups in order to arrive at the conclusion that those groups are fallen, degraded, etc.
Exactly. I lived for years with this contradiction:
When something "bad" happens in Christianity, it proves they are degraded, hopeless, pathetic, etc.

When something "bad" happens in the Recovery, it doesn't mean a thing since "nobody's perfect."
Total hypocrisy! Didn't Jesus confront it and say, "With what judgment you judge, you will also be judged." -- Matt 7.2
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