Originally Posted by Ohio
These internal "rumors" become "storms" in the Recovery because the injured parties continue to cry out for justice. But none comes! Instead we get endless articles from headquarters, just like the one you linked, explaining away all accountability. Vindication, justification, and dissembling are their M.O. That's all they know.
Witness Lee established a rotten pattern for all the Blendeds to follow when it comes to all manners of ministry abuses. Perhaps he learned himself from others in China. Today, the Blendeds have been trained this way. There's no changing them.
Yes, and actually the fact that the Blendeds like to classify everything as "rumors" is something that LCers should give some thought to. Does it really seem sensible that within the LC (or any other Christian group) people would be going around and recklessly spreading rumors about others? Of course not. In fact, it would be expected that Christians would be all the more cautious about that.
The so-called "rumors" are really just the end effect of inappropriately handling a situation. Any type of dispute involves at least two parties and it just doesn't seem realistic that they would think things could be contained to the point of there being no discussion among the saints.
For instance, over the years, I saw multiple occurrences of situations where someone took issue with what someone else did, and then stopped meeting after there was no effort by anyone to mediate or help resolve the situation. Lets say the person who leaves is involved in several church services like cleaning, music, etc. All the sudden, the people who are in those services are also indirectly affected by the situation, and it just multiplies from there. At a certain point, it is no longer possible to contain it as being off limits for discussion. It's easy to see how stuff becomes a much bigger problem if it is not addressed quickly and transparently.