Originally Posted by Freedom
The LC seems to have this thing where stuff gets brought to the elders and then disappears into a black hole of of being "dealt with" by them. Of course, there is never any transparency or indication of a resolution, so that I think is what gets all the rumors started. Do they not realize this?
Freedom, you have accurately summarized 100 years of Recovery history in one paragraph!
These internal "rumors" become "storms" in the Recovery because the injured parties continue to cry out for justice.
But none comes! Instead we get endless articles from headquarters, just like the one you linked, explaining away all accountability. Vindication, justification, and dissembling are their M.O. That's all they know.
Witness Lee established a rotten pattern for all the Blendeds to follow when it comes to all manners of ministry abuses. Perhaps he learned himself from others in China. Today, the Blendeds have been trained this way. There's no changing them.
I have concluded that hoping for anything else is a waste of time. More articles and websites, yes. Honesty, accountability, or change, no.