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Old 09-30-2019, 10:52 AM   #133
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: 1,000 Years of Outer Darkness

I plan to listen to the Youtube videos a little later, but I must tell you I think I am already getting some clarity on this matter. Yesterday I looked at the opening to Matthew and the other three gospels, and it is apparent to to me that Matthew was written with the Jews especially in mind. The first verse of Matthew opens with reference to David and Abraham, and then presents the geneology of Christ starting with Abraham. None of the other three gospels place anywhere near the emphasis of Christ's roots in the Jewish history as Matthew does.

And, Carol, you mentioned that no other gospel quotes the OT as much. Here is chart I found online:

Book........Direct/indirect citations......Total citations & allusions
Matthew...............44 (49).............................77 (102)
Mark....................18 (23)............................30 (39)
Luke....................20 (24).............................52 (68)
John....................14 (17).............................31 (49)
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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