Originally Posted by UntoHim
Terry Risenhoover posted the following on Facebook:
DCP posted their latest website and I want to give five specific examples of how they lie by not telling the truth by avoiding the actual issue.
1. They do not address the fact that the sale of Daystar unregistered securities were a violation of Federal and State law.
2. They do not address the transfer of funds from a non profit to a for profit foreign entity.
3. They do not address the fact that the repayment of loans and some investors came from the charging of training fees.
4. They completely distorted, twisted and factually misrepresented the actual events related to Sal Benoit and the Church in Boston.
Sal confirmed that yesterday in an hour long conversation.
5. They completely misrepresent the testimonies of Max and Sandee Rapaport and many of us on this forum have first hand knowledge of this.
Time does not permit me to address the myriad of misrepresentations made throughout their website as I am preparing to take my wife for major surgery tomorrow morning and we would appreciate your prayers.
There is an ever growing mountain of evidence from co-workers, elders and former members that fully exposes the unrighteousness of the blended brothers.
Judgment begins at the House of God and we must first examine our own hearts and then pray for our deceived brethren because we too were once deceived and the Lord had mercy on us. The battle belongs to the Lord and the enemy is a vanquished foe so let us rejoice in the Lord and give God the Glory!
May God Bless all of you and may you feast on the unsearchable riches of Christ in His Word.
Good ol' Risenhoover. Who knows Lee committed crimes cuz he was there.