Originally Posted by HBJ
Folks, if I'm going to believe in 1000 years of outer darkness, I might as well become a Catholic and pray for the dead and believe in purgatory! It renders the saving blood of Jesus Christ ineffectual and useless! The word says we will be before the "bema" seat and get a reward based upon what we have done as a Christian. Either gold, silver, precious jewels or wood, hay, and stubble. If all you get is Salvation, but you didn't live a life for Christ, you will get in but you won't have any crowns to throw at His feet. The 1000 years was just a scare tactic to make people afraid of leaving the LC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry but I can't handle what I believe is unmitigated hooey!!! (Yes anyone can disagree with me). If I believe in 1000 years of outer darkness, I might as well join a religion where I flog myself with sharpened sticks to atone for my sins. Everyone ---- 1000 years of outer darkness for Christians is equivalent to having to atone for your sins ==
Jesus' death on the cross == meaningless
So are you saying there is no potential negative for believers at the Bema Seat of Christ? I think what we've being going back and forth about on this thread is whether the negative would be just a loss of reward, or whether it could be construed as an outright punishment - i.e., outer darkness of some other immensely undesirable thing.
And then there's the infamous "1000 years in outer darkness" that was held over our heads in the LC . . . that has been pretty well debunked on here already!