Originally Posted by ABrotherinFaith
So those believers who died before Christ's return will spend X number of years with Christ regardless of certain actions that, one Christ returns, will get them 1000 years in outer darkness?
This whole disconnect with dying and being immediately with Christ v raising from the dead at his 2nd coming has always perplexed me.
I know that some say that our time with him before that day is strictly spiritual, with no body. But I am not sold on it.
Alternately, it could be that at the resurrection we are then with Christ and what intervenes is what might be described as limbo. Therefore, as far as we can tell, it is immediate.
I can find nothing that makes one or the other correct. So I basically stay out of it. Which it is (or some other alternative) has no bearing on now, or on eternity. And to get to eternity, you need to deal with now. If I deal with now, I eventually get to then and it will be what it will be. It is not a part of my statement of faith (and shouldn't be part of anyone's). When it comes to minor issues, this one is a minor among minors.