Another thoughtful post bro OBW! I certainly can see where you are coming from. Most here in Scottsdale don't read and/or bring up Lee's stuff any more, probably for many of the same reasons. Occasionally there may be something brought up of Lee's, by one brother in particular, but I think it is well filtered and certainly not any silly MOTA emphasis. This brother is pretty mature and experienced, I think, in "getting the chicken and spitting out the bones." Personally, I can't remember the last time I referred to or even read any of Lee's stuff, and also stopped using the RV NT some time ago (even though it was the one without footnotes). It is something the Lord led me to do, because of how certain things were translated. Not really big things, but in the end, the Greek is a better/safer reference in my opinion.
I may not be as far on the anti-Lee spectrum as some. But shoot, I can find issues with something in just about any Christian speaker/author! However, these things bother me less and less as I go on. In other words, I'm not blown about as much as I once was, due to better grounding in His love and His word. This also helps me be open to others and other groups, who don't do things exactly as I might think they should - I'm not threatened in any way, and can accept them more in love as beloved believers regardless.
Regarding the "taste & see" song - there is nothing wrong with that, bro! But again, I understand where yer coming from. Yes, many things are way emotional in Christendom. I will just say that while I certainly appreciate the "meatiness" of a good hymn (and the more the older I get), there is also a place for simple love songs to Jesus! For instance, sometimes Thursday morning we may break into a rousing vocalization of "Jesus loves me this I know!"
Be blessed.
(PS - You do bring up a good point about others who may be lurking and reading these things, who have some interaction with the LCs now. So let me say to any reading that I do believe there is serious error in the LC/LSM system. It is a system that is well built-up over time, and not in a good way. The extreme exclusivity of this group is a sin, period and I see that clearly now. And there is an organization in place to protect from and exclude other blood-washed believers who are not in the LC system. The teaching that was supposed to be "The Answer" and provide oneness in the body of Christ has become a entrenched system of error. It is an example of the church in Laodicea (Rev 3) I believe - calling themselves rich, but are actually anything but (because they have not held to the one main thing - Christ alone). Any glory of Christ that was once there back in the 1960s & 70s has left, and it is now an empty shell system, a kingdom being propagated and defended by men.)