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Old 09-25-2019, 07:21 AM   #31
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
"I am the co-worker, my wife is nothing! I will never exalt her, I will never crown her! This would be to damage her!"
Mr. Ron Kangas
Presumed Blended Brother and
Co-Worker in The Lord's Recovery

One could only assume about the horrific attitude that this man must have towards women who are not his wife. We all know where this horrific attitude towards women came from - it came from Ron's guru and acting god, Witness Lee.
I married a Chinese sister. She was by far the most submissive woman I've ever known. And she didn't do it because the Bible, or anyone in the LC, told her to. She did it because it's her culture. Until marriage Chinese females submit to their fathers. Then to their husbands. And if their husband dies, then to their son.

Paul's record towards women, plays right into that. The question remains, why would someone that went to Princeton buy into it? Methinks education perchance isn't up to the task of wiping out misogyny. I don't know how Kangas was raised. He never brought it up. But I know he wasn't raised in a Chinese culture.
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