Originally Posted by Sons to Glory!
And if I remember my Local Church history correctly (at least how I've heard it secondhand), wasn't this one of the main reasons Bill Freeman was ousted from the LC in the mid-80s? Bill and others were publishing a regular newspaper in the NW called, "The Christian," which had a pretty wide dissemination. We even used to receive it while in Ohio, and it was very good. He was also publishing books and pamphlets, as were some others who were with him. My understanding is that he was told by LC leadership to cease these independent works (i.e., independent of LSM) and publications. From there his days were numbered in the LC. Is that an accurate understanding of this occurrence?
BTW - what is DCP?
Defense and
Project -- duplicitous expression based on Philippians 1.7 -- which in reality only offers the defense of the Lee family business, and not the Gospel at all.
In the early days (70's?) there was a "writer's conference" and Lee encouraged many to write and publish as a way to "get the riches out." In Feb 1986, during that "Pledge Allegiance to Lee" episode in the Elders Conf, Lee shut down all other writings except his own. Cleveland (Chuck Debelak) also had a fruitful paper called "The Harvest." Chicago (Jim Reetzke) had the "First Fruits." There were also papers in Texas and elsewhere.