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Old 09-24-2019, 09:54 AM   #22
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Here's another post concerning LSM/DCP from a FaceBook poster named John Thumper of Chicago. (not sure if that's his real name)

Here's some shepherding words for everyone: DCP hires private investigators, has pictures taken of people considered "opposing", and goes through their trash to look for information. They have rows and rows of file cabinets with information on people, genuine Christians mind you, who they consider "negative".

Maybe we missed that chapter in the book of Investigations in the Bible that described the underhanded tactics necessary in defending a now-admitted fallible human being's ministry that has been passed off for years as something we cannot question, disagree with, discern for ourselves, or proclaim the truth when it is flat out wrong, un-scriptural, and damaging.

Why so many meetings, Q&As, fearful warnings telling people to run away from simple printed words, letters among the leading ones, and now an entire dedicated website in response to one Facebook post that is just one drop in the gigantic ocean of Facebook posts in existence?

Is this behavior of a group that has nothing to hide? Is this behavior of a pure church that has the highest teachings and thinks they have so little need of anything else they actively and intentionally do everything they can to cut themselves off from the rest of the Body of Christ (those dear, genuine, Jesus-following fellow believers in "evil Christianity")?

We all know how we act when we don't want the truth to be discovered. We are getting a master class in it right now from LSM and DCP. Saints, start asking questions. God has a mind. We are created in His image. We are not made to "get out of our mind". Start using your God-given minds to think critically about what is going on.

Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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