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Old 09-23-2019, 10:02 AM   #15
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Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Weighingin View Post
They put something in there about the deposition of Max saying in which he said not all in the newspaper articles he was in was inaccurate. I had not read that before. All these years, he was the ambitious wolf who wanted to seize control of the recovery. There was the usual all lies and rumors and don't expose the deputy authority.
Yeah sure, as a newbie in the LC's, I saw the chaos caused by Max back in the 70's. But how could that have been bad for W. Lee? Where was the rebellion against Lee? Max's goal was simple: to incite all the young people to embrace Lee's latest "flow," called the "young Galilean's."

Oh, and I should mention that Max Rapoport rose to prominence at Lee's new global headquarters on Ball Road in Anaheim by traveling around the LC's instructing the saints to consider their Daystar investment an "offering." Was that not a fleecing? And who put him up to that? And who then promoted him?

I was there in those chaotic meetings in Cleveburg during the summer of 1977. The Max-induced conflict was between the elders (think Titus Chu) and some of the young people's leaders who were exceedingly zealous to be "faithful to Brother Lee's burden."

So here are two facts that LSM won't tell you about Max:
  • How was Max trying to "seize control of the recovery" when the young people were all fired up by his ministry to zealously follow, not Max, but Brother Lee's burden?
  • It was Witness Lee himself who authorized and instructed Max to go out to all the LC's and "shake things up" thus "liberating" the young people from the "control" of their elders.
When Max left he had a thorough repentance. He repented of any damaged he had caused by obeying Lee's orders. Too bad others have not learned from him.
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