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Old 09-23-2019, 09:17 AM   #12
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 174
Default Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
"From the Co-Workers?"

Don't these folks have any names, or are they hiding behind monikers like the posters here, as if we have the power and financial wherewithal to sue them, as they have done to so many others.
You have no power and financial wherewithal to sue them. What if their own members whom they tried to pacify and win back become more unsettled and would confront them or even sue them? Surely cannot put their names down!

Another explanation is: there are too many of em 'co-workers' to name.
Or: they are not their people's shephards, but hirings. The sheep do not know them and they dare not put their names down in a 'shepherding' site as if they are shepherds. And they admit it is only 'shepherding'WORDS. Only words ....

"The co-workers in the Lord’s recovery in North America"

When they feel they still cannot win the battle, they will mobilise 'co-workers of the whole world'.

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
This "shepherdingword" website definitely is in response to all the scandals exposed by the Casteel Facebook site. Obviously it scared the Blendeds far more than our comments on this forum. I did not understand the power of Facebook until now.
LSM itself use Facebook as much as they use websites. LCers use fb extensively, not just those who have been through the full-time trainings. So the Casteel Facebook post IS very damaging to them. It now has over 6k views. Guess how many who were told not to view that page had actually viewed that page.

They need how many 'co-workers', 'fathers', 'delegated authorities' ... to fight ONE woman?
They need how many meetings, big and small, and how many nights and days, long and short, and how many means and how much resources, to counter ONE facebook post?

Obviously it scared the Blendeds far more than our comments on this forum.
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