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Old 09-17-2019, 10:45 AM   #402
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Praise/Worship Songs! Turn Up Your Speakers!

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I remember this song vividly. It was one of the many that were set to "worldly" tunes. At some point "the brothers" in So.Calif. decided that it was not so appropriate for spiritual songs to be song to worldly tunes. Later, we found out that some complaints came in from persons/companies that held the copyright to those tunes.

Here is another song from those "supplemental" days:

Drink! A River Pure And Clear That's Flowing From The Throne
"Oh do come, oh do come, says Spirit and the bride - Take freely the water of life!"

How about this one:

I’m walking down the road
That leads to glory.
I’m pressing toward the mark
By enjoying God!
I don’t know so much,
Just to love Him.
I’m walking down the road,
Glory, here I come.
With the brothers and the sisters,
We enjoy Him day by day.
It’s so simple and easy,
Our worries flee away.
Now we’re growing together,
As one big family,
Abiding in the joy of the Lord.
We enjoy You, Lord Jesus,
In our experience.
We’re getting to know You—
It’s making us leap and dance.
Just eating and drinking,
It’s what we do the best,
Delighting in the love of the Lord.
We’re walking, not running,
Cause we’re in the pasture land.
Our Shepherd is nearby,
We’re trusting in His hand.
He’s everything to us,
He’s all we ever need,
Resting in the peace of the Lord.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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