Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 09-04-2019, 09:26 AM   #256
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Default Re: Are Modalists really to be attacked as heretics?

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
The point is, it's pretty much pointless - at least for me. What would I rather have - perfect knowledge about God's nature and not have a living relationship with Him; or have imperfect knowledge of God's nature, yet have a living relationship with Him?
I agree with you both!

No one has a "perfect knowledge" about God. I think a wide diversity of "God knowledge" is expected. For years I felt that Lee's "modalistic" tendencies were not worth fighting over -- Lee obviously did it to prove the rest of Christianity was off, and only he was the standard bearer for the truth. He poked the bear in the eye, and the bear reacted. Lee loved it! His adherents rallied around him.

That's not to say that "diversity is our strength" and we are all free to compose our own theology. Most of us draw a line with the deity of Christ (think JW's), His death, and His resurrection. Heresies often start right here with these.

For all the talk about high peaks theology at LSM, it's readily apparent that their relationship with God is sorely lacking. How can they do what they do, often with Lee's teachings and actions as their only justification, if their relationship with God was healthy?
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