Originally Posted by UntoHim
SO What..What? So I guess you don't believe that there is such a thing as heresy? There is no correct teaching....only one person's "perception of this mystery" as opposed to another persons perception of this mystery? So really it boils down to your guess is as good as mine?
So when I'm reading my Bible, how do I know if I'm experiencing God or just mentally dissecting him? Serious question. How do I know?
The point is, it's pretty much pointless - at least for me. What would I rather have - perfect knowledge about God's nature and not have a living relationship with Him; or have imperfect knowledge of God's nature, yet have a living relationship with Him? It's the old "Would you rather know the book or the Author?" question. (of course, having both - knowing the Author and accurately knowing His book - is best) If I know the Author, He will show me what I need to know about Him. But if I just know the book, without understanding - that's as far as my knowledge goes.
Just to put things in proper perspective . . . I've just seen myself spend hours, days, weeks, years going around and around this subject. If I added up all I gained in knowledge from studying the Trinity and put it on one side of the scale, then put one little flash of light from Him concerning His nature - guess which side would weigh more by far? (although some might say I was brought to the point of that flash of light by all the study)
And regarding your question, I would say the sense of life bro - a living relationship. Things are fresh and not dead. There is energy to pursue Him, get into His word and to get with others pursuing Him.
"I've set before you this day life and death. Therefore choose life."