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Old 09-02-2019, 12:56 PM   #31
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Trapped... Help?

Originally Posted by BJS03 View Post
What I meant on by kinda going athiest is that I will and want to continue to have a relationship with God but I'm not sure what my christian life would look like after I graduate high school and go to college... maybe I might stay in christianity or maybe I would probably feel that I cant continue on my life being a christian
Long story short my christian life would be uncertain in the future
Here's the thing: If you have accepted Christ, then He is in you. You can't be unborn. You can give up on Him, but He won't give up on you. Christ will never be far, which is an understatement, because He's there on the inside. And He's promised to get you there all glorified and He don't lie!

I've had my share of experiences where I "left God" for some periods of time. At an early age I accepted Christ, but then got myself into such a funk that I totally forgot about Him. However, even in this funked-up state, I was still always seeking out what was the truth (which was actually Christ in me) in all kinds of ways. Long story short, when I was 18 I was in a very low place and cried out in total desperation, "God if you're real, you have to make yourself real to me!" Boy did He ever do that and at that very moment!

And I could tell you of other points in my life where I was desperate and called out, and He answered me wonderfully! My experience has been, the more desperate I am and the more heart-felt my cry is, the stronger He then answers me (and/or I am more ready to hear Him).

One other thing - once you have really tasted Him, the satisfaction in other pleasures starts receding and fading away. The older I get, the less and less satisfied I am in anything but Christ. This is a mercy, because everything else is going by the way of the ash heap very soon!

Praise be to God that He loves us and will get us there - and sometimes He has to take us through some low places . . . so we learn to truly cry out to Him and discover what is really real (Him). This is mercy and grace.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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