Re: John Smith - With The Lord
John was known here in Scottsdale as well. John had gone to a particular place in India to minister, on their east coast, several times over the past couple decades I believe. Eventually a few hundred Indian brothers who were pastors would come to hear John speak over the course of several days to a week. Many of them came from as far as several hundred miles or more. I'm not sure how many trips there John made, but the frequency of his trips were perhaps every 2-3 years. It was quite the undertaking and afterwards all the Indian pastors would return to their areas to minister the truth in Christ to their respective gatherings.
During his last few trips, he took a brother from Scottsdale with him, Dan Elkins. Eventually, when it got so that John was not able to make the trip, Dan began going on his own (with a few others usually from here and/or the Moses Lake OR gathering.
I think Dan has now made at least three of these journeys apart from John now, and is doing another one in about a month. These Indian brothrs are so hungery for Christ alone! It's no picnic, but the Spirit has been very strong with these brothers, and the need is huge. (the upcoming trip was actually delayed for almost a year as there was severe persecution by the Hindus. One of the leading organizers was thrown in jail for a few months and they tried to close down the Christian orphanage he runs. Dan was told, for his safety, to not come. But now this organizing brother has been released, and so the whole thing is on again.)
I'm not sure of all the details and origins of John's ministry to this part of India, but the impact is certainly substantial! May the Lord continue to have a way in the hearts and minds of many in this dark sub-continent!
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!