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Old 08-25-2019, 02:10 AM   #149
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Default Re: Eating & Drinking Jesus Daily - Who emphasizes this besides the LC?

So I believe there is an emphasis on eating and drinking Jesus in the Bible, but I have realized the following: yes, E&DJ is very important, BUT if other basic things are not emphasized also, then an imbalance occurs. So it´s not that E&DJ should not be emphasized, but rather that the other side of the balance could be empty, so the balance tilts too much on the E&DJ side.

What other matters? I feel a great lack in the Recovery was concerning the teaching, admonishing and practice of some of the rudiments, the fundamental things in the Bible and our relationship with God. For example, learning to fear and respect God, admiring God as the Creator and also appreciating His creation, learning to really worship Him, knowing, contacting, praying to and worshipping the Father (not just 10 minutes on Sunday), obeying God, repenting, obeying the New Testament commandments, loving one another, loving your neighbor.

If these things are not learned and emphasized in your christian walk, if we are not open to these things and practice them, there is a big risk that E&DJ won't really do any good, but rather give you a false notion that you are progressing in the faith.
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