Originally Posted by stillseekingtruth
I dont know how far ahead I am. Reading Matthew today made me see how wretched I am, but there is still so much I don't get.
God does not see you wretched. Remember. What you are reading in Matthew is probably before Jesus shed His Blood on the cross for us all. He is also speaking to the Jews.
Today He sees you as His beloved child growing up in Christ Jesus. He sees the Blood of Jesus in you and knows He has wiped away all your sins. And He does not remember your sins. He is making all things new in your life.
Tell Him to open your eyes to see Jesus clearly. Tell Him to open your ears to hear His Voice, the Holy Spirit clearly. And to open Your heart to receive His Truth with a grateful heart.
Meditate on Revelation 12:10 -12
Now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God.
The accuser of our brethren has been cast down, who accuses us before our God Day and night, but we/ I have overcome him by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and by the Word of our/my testimony,
Prayer: Thank You dear Jesus for Your Precious Blood has has put the devil in his place, under my feet where l can stomp on him with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of the Most High God.
Satan, look at the Blood of Jesus in me and flee! For the Blood of Jesus has defeated you and set me free from your clutches,
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ!