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Old 08-18-2019, 09:41 AM   #37
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Guilt is eating at me like a starving rat

Originally Posted by stillseekingtruth View Post
I dont know how far ahead I am. Reading Matthew today made me see how wretched I am, but there is still so much I don't get.
I'll add my input here too . . . For me, the start of really seeing what was going on in the Bible was when I began to truly see God's love for us. Everything before that was sort of like reading the preface to a book. We can get some knowledge about God and His purpose from reading the word and fellowship, others sharing, etc. But I believe it's only when He begins to reveal His heart of love towards us that things start to make sense and come alive.

In the Recovery you hear a lot about His purpose as being the primary motivation - but what's behind His purpose is His amazing love! If you hear about His purpose without having some concept of His love (which He has to show), then you may think God will have His purpose and if I stand in His way He will just crush me without thinking twice. This is what I thought and this is an error. His purpose is to save us to the uttermost and bring us into sweet union and fellowship with Him. Yes, He wants to bring many sons into glory! This is His heart of love towards all of mankind, and is the key to understanding what He's showing us in His word. Never forget that.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!
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