Originally Posted by aron
To encapsulate: the "I" of Jeremiah's "Thy words were found and I did eat them" is not the NT believer who is pray-reading but Jesus who is obeying, if we look at his "My food is to do the Father's will" (John 4:24).
I could never accept that Jeremiah's pleas (15:15-16) were the exclusive voice of Jesus obeying the Father. God's people throughout the age have been encouraged by Jeremiah's words. This narrowest of readings would effectively insulate many children of God during their most difficult trials from His grace. How many of them during their own personal calamities "
found His word, ate His word, and His words caused their hearts to rejoice."
Who knows, and who cares, by what manner this has transpired in the faith relationship between some needy believer and his/her Savior. Perhaps they were shouting "Jesus," perhaps silent prayer, perhaps weeping tears, perhaps sitting at table with Bible open repeating His words. None, by themselves, is THE way to God's grace because He alone is the way to God, yet all of these and more are "ways" used by His people.
It seems at times that LC/Lee animus here is taken too far. All shouting is now wrong because there are "Shouters" associated with this movement. Prophesying likewise is banned. Vocal prayer, while reading scripture, is outlawed. The list of taboos is growing daily. Personally I think this discredits the forum, but that's me.
How do you know whether the one pray-reading the Bible is now finding strength to obey the Father? Jesus in the wilderness (
Man does not live by bread alone ...) needed the words of God to fight His enemy. Was He not a pattern for us all? Is not His word to be our food? Does it not take a struggle at times to find this food in His word?