Re: Guilt is eating at me like a starving rat
Thank you. I find that when I read the bible (footnote free/not even the Recovery Version) I will pause to 'pray-read' and 'masticate' Jesus. It's not forced. It's not methodical, it's genuine. I believe that the Lord speaks to us, not audibly, but definittely through His word and through the saaints (not limited to the LR). Another thing I found is that there are differences between the translations and can give the text an entire different meaning. It makes it hard for me to understand what the author really meant. There is that verses, however, that the spirit teaches all things. Coming out of the LR I want to reject everything I've ever known, but I can't because some of it's true. A lot of it's true. But there is a lot that isn't.. Lord, help me take off my 'LR" glasses and understand the pure word. I'm learning that it's right to try to understand the bible. I don't have to just read it and accept it by pray reading and not use my mind. It's taking me forever!